by Kiki Nárdiz | 14 apr, 2016 | Herconnectie, Voeding
If you experience any of these scenarios on a daily basis: You cannot even imagine starting the day without a cup (or more) of coffee> You spend the day pecking sweets and salty snacks or whatever is in your reach. You need your dose of sugar in the morning...
by Kiki Nárdiz | 26 nov, 2015 | Beweging, Bushcraft, Herconnectie, Voeding
As you know, this is a different kind of blog post. We are asking people whom we find inspirational to share with us their “rewilding” experiences and tell us how they put the eight rewilding steps in practice (or not) towards a healthier, wilder, and freer lifestyle....
by Kiki Nárdiz | 17 sep, 2015 | Beweging
“Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind, and I like to write standing up.” Ernest Hemingway Chairs are dangerous? We are so used to being seated that it never occurs to us that something as trivial as a chair can harm our health. It is...