Inzichten en inspiratie voor een natuurlijker leven
Fysiek voorbereid op avontuur
Avonturen en expedities, ze doen me gezond, sterk, vrij en blij voelen. Ja, het is mijn passie. Elk nieuw project zie ik als een goede extra motivatie om zowel fysiek als mentaal de puntjes op de "i" te zetten. Ook wanneer er even geen avontuur in de spreekwoordelijke schuif ligt te wachten, wil ik toch altijd stand by fit zijn voor moest...
Rewilden op het Ritme van de Stoof
Nordic Bushcraft Eind oktober 2019 werd de drang naar een nieuw buitenlands avontuur wel héél groot. Ik keek richting Noord Europa. In 2016 was ik al wel eens naar Kungsleden...
Hoe die burnout voorkomen? Rewilden en je levensstijl aanpassen natuurlijk!
“Eén op tien Belgen voelt zich dagelijks ongelukkig in zijn job, maar durft niet te veranderen.” “Eén op de vijf jonge artsen kampt met burnout”. “Eén op de drie Vlaamse...
Jager-verzamelaar op een boogscheut van de Schiphol Airport
Rewilden op een boogscheut van Schiphol Airport Bert: Best Stephani, professionele fotograaf, Fuji ambassadeur en één van mijn ‘personal coaching cliënten’ nodigde me in het...
MovNat coaching from the best
My workout was different today. With every jump, crawl or climbing move I did, I all came back: base of support, points of support, your friend gravity, unconscious competence,...
Strategies for Reducing Christmas Consumerism
The winter solstice is approaching in the northern hemisphere. Days are short and nights are long. It is that moment each year when nature offers us the chance to stop for a...
Want to Sleep Better? Synchronize with Nature (Part II) 13 Tips for a Great Night of Sleep
In the first part of this article we saw the importance of a restful sleep for achieving optimal health, the benefits it brings, and what happens when this habit is not given the...
Want to Sleep Better? Synchronize with Nature (Part I)
Today it is customary to go to Mr. Google to consult his opinion on any matter. Even if that matter is related to health, more and more people are tempted to check the internet...
Is Rewilding Possible in a Big City? Kiki Reports from Madrid
This blogpost is entirely about rewilding in my beloved Madrid, a city that has seen me grow up. The distance between us, created by moving over to Belgium many years ago, allows...
Inspiring People and Rewilding: #4 Robert Seven Crows and His 8 Wild Ways
Back in 1999, while discovering Québec, Canada, we visited a place called Dao8eoli Tsonontwan, near Québec city, managed by Regent Sioui, a Huron elder of the Bear clan. By...
Buying a Bow: The Next Step of My Rewilding Process
Those who have never played with a self-made bow when they were kids, raise your hands. I’m thinking there won’t be many of you. A bow has something magic – it’s powerful,...
Sun Protection for Your Skin from DIY Plant-based Products
In my last blog post, I talked about how to protect your skin from the sun naturally without resorting to creams. Today, I will delve into this subject deeper with recipes for...
Sun: Instructions for Use (Part 1)
I was born in the Mediterranean, and spent every summer of my childhood playing on the Spanish beach. In my memories, it was paradise. I have no memories whatsoever of having to...
Using Elderberry Blossoms PLUS 5 Sure-Smile Summer Recipes
If someone asked me what summer smells like, I would probably answer: elderflowers! Its distinctive sweet, vanilla flavour announces the imminent arrival of summer, and you can...
My Ideal Workout Regime
For many of us, the summer months are moments where we like to plan an adventurous challenge, be it climbing a mountain top, doing a long-distance backpacking, canoeing or...
What’s in Your Closet?
For many of us, it’s that time of year when we start reorganizing our clothes closet, trading sweaters and scarves for light and breeze clothes and moonboots for flip-flops. This...