by Bert Poffe | 31 okt, 2023 | Bushcraft, Herconnectie, Zelfvoorziening
Ik zou bijna durven stellen dat hij deel uitmaakt van ons DNA. Weinig gebruiksvoorwerpen hebben een gelijkaardige impact gehad op onze soort als de boog. Het jagen van op een grotere afstand was veiliger dan je prooi te lijf gaan en de fenomenale boog...
by Bert Poffe | 17 feb, 2016 | Beweging, Bushcraft, Herconnectie, Voeding
When was the last time you got soaking wet and shivering, and had to drink something hot to get your body temperature to a normal level again? When was the last time you were praying for some shelter from the burning sun? (No, I don’t mean your last summer holiday...
by Kiki Nárdiz | 7 feb, 2016 | Bushcraft
This blogpost is dedicated to you, wild woman. Don’t look over your shoulder; that wild women is you. If your romantic partner is dying for a wild and free outdoor weekend, workshop or holiday, but doesn’t know how to convince you to come along, show him/ her this...
by Kiki Nárdiz | 26 nov, 2015 | Beweging, Bushcraft, Herconnectie, Voeding
As you know, this is a different kind of blog post. We are asking people whom we find inspirational to share with us their “rewilding” experiences and tell us how they put the eight rewilding steps in practice (or not) towards a healthier, wilder, and freer lifestyle....
by Bert Poffe | 15 okt, 2015 | Beweging, Bushcraft, Herconnectie, Voeding
On October the 4th, we held our first one-day workshop in Belgium entitled Rewilding Day, helping a group of people of different walks of life, to start their rewilding process by telling about our own experiences and rewilding lifestyle. After an intense day of...